Elektroda saldimi E7018-1H4R
AWS A5.1: E 7018-1 H4R
EN ISO 2560-A: E 42 5 B 42H5
Elektrode bazike per saldimin e celikut te karbonit. Mbeshtjellja e kesaj elektrode eshte bere per te siguruar nje nivel te ulet te lageshtires dhe nje permbajtje te ulet te hidrogjenit ne metal (<4 ml/100g). Karakteristika ekselente mekanike rekomandon kete elektrod per struktura te forta statike dhe dinamike. Permbajtja e ulet e hidrogjenit siguron nje rezistence te larte dhe ne temperatura shume te ulta deri ne -50’C. Eshte e perdorshme ne te gjitha pozicionet e saldimit me perjashtim te pozicionit vertikal-poshte. Sperkatje e ulet si ne korrent te vazhdueshem dhe ne korrent alternativ. SANBAZ
Industria kimike dhe petroliere, konstruksione marine, anije, industria e prodhimit te tubacioneve,industria e prodhimit te urave me konstruksion metalik, hekurudhave, industria e prodhimit te depozitave te celikut.
AWS A5.1: E 7018-1 H4R
EN ISO 2560-A: E 42 5 B 42H5
Basic coated electrode with low hydrogen content, designed for works highly strained at static and dynamic loadings. It is used in structural engineering, boilers, tanks and vehicle constructions and also bridges and shipbuilding. It is recommended for a service temperature down to -50’C. Its coating and has been developed in order to ensure low moisture absorbtion properties and consequently and extra low diffusible hydrogen content in the weld metal (<4ml/100g). SANBAZ
Vessels, boilers fabrication including for chemical petrochemical industry, ship buildings, pipes fabrication, off-shore fabrication.